Sunday, January 24, 2010

We are in a Credit Mess, Who Cares!

This is just a personal opinion, but...

I am so glad that I have a blog to get my frustrastions out on. I have been trying to follow all of the updates in our "Credit Crisis". It has me banging my head, cussing, and wanting to get people together to march on the White House. I am finding that for no reason at all a person that pays their credit card bills every month on time, can loose their accounts, What! That's right, have them taken away, just because.

Imagine that you have had a credit card from ________ and you have paid them every time on time and always paid at least the minimum amount. Then you have an emergency one day and you go to use that card, the clerk tells you that the card was declined. You just about crawl out of the store with embarrassment. You make it home, the whole time thinking the worst, then you call the 800 number on the back of the useless card. After putting in several numbers several times a customer service representative comes on the line and tells you that "We are very sorry, but...". No they are not, in fact, they don't even care.

The reason why they don't care is because they raised the interest rates for the rest that they didn't throw away. They figure that they will make up for the loss from you on some other poor person. Maybe they will get lucky and find someone that hasn't lost their job.

Why do Americans keep letting these things happen? Didn't we just a year ago pay $5 a gallon for gasoline? I would have thought that there would have been cars and semi trucks parked all along our major highways, blocking them. No, instead we made more billionaires. We kept driving, I think we actually drove more.

Now they are raising the price of food, clothes, cigarettes, and utilities. Where is all of the extra suppose to come from. People are loosing their jobs, their homes and their cars at alarming rates.

We are right now sending $100,000,000, that's right 100 million to Haiti. Do you know who's money that is. Well, it's mine and yours. We just shot our $13 trillion budget on the banks and auto makers. What about the people in this country, look at the people of New Orleans. Do we have those people back in their homes, jobs, and schools? I am starting to think that everytime a crisis accurs, our government is trying to take the focus off of what is really going on with them.

I personally think that the next time someone asks for my credit, my job, my tax, my home, my car, I am just going to give it to them gracefully. Because, when all is said and done, the fat cats are going to have it all anyways, why fight? I guess, because of our stupidity, we deserve a spanking anyway. That's right, we should have joined together as a proud nation to stop this cancer before it grew. What is wrong with us, are we going to allow our government to take over our private industry? So far they have taken over General Motors. If anyone is paying attention they would have known that this one was coming. General Motors put OnStar in their vehicles first. For those that don't know, OnStar is a tracking device. Now that the government owns them, I wonder who will get the proceeds (profits) from sales? So does this mean that the 4 million unemployed americans looking for work, would have to go to Washington to fill out an application for General Motors?

What about health care? Do we really want all of our medical history available on the internet? We have had a system in place for years. The only reason that it stopped working is because we allowed the drug companies to line our politicians pockets, GREED. This new health care bill allows doctors' to decide who will get treatment or medicines. I have seen first hand what they do to a person, they put them in a room with no water, no food. They keep them in there, giving them drops of morphine for about 8-13 days until they die. Not my family!

I know that I should be talking about Credit, since this is a blog about Credit. But I just can't hold all of this inside of me anymore. The Credit mess that we are in is a disaster, but not nearly as bad as the economy, housing, employment, health care, and government policies. Don't get me wrong, we need credit in todays world. It still determines class, employment, housing, and everyday needs. If it keeps going the way it is going, nobody will have credit or high credit scores. What would happen then? Well, it is pretty simple, we go back in time before credit was established. We stayed within our community, grew our food, loved thy neighbor no matter what his credit score was. If you needed something for your children, the community made sure that you had it, and you could pay it back later. Just like credit, without the plastic. When it came time to pay back the 5 pounds of potatoes, you just paid with whatever you had, not a full truck load of potatoes. The interest that was charged was friendship, nobody trying to get rich on someones misery. I don't know about you, but I can hardly wait for those days to get here!